Tom learns the culinary value of restraint and Molly smiles for the birdie. Then Tom finds a low quality word, while Molly crushes putting a thing on ice.
Tome leaves a thing on while he’s sleeping and Molly stitches together her thing. Then Tom finds a croc things that charms him, while Molly finds out that Tom’s sister is a thing spotter.
Tom documents the carnage of the Orca Wars and Molly sees people putting together their roster. Then Tom finds the double click mindshare, while Molly strikes at the shadows.
Tom makes it awkward with accents and Molly finds rich people normcore. Then Tom finds the new sneaker thing, while Molly finds the hydration solution. Plus we find the heir to the La Croix mantle.
Tom blames the NCAA for a thing and Molly recognizes the robe guys. Then Tom sees the lights on a new thing while Molly finds a new word for a tiny waste.
Tom wrinkles his nose at retinol alternatives and Molly slides into a new thing. Then Tom hears a peak song, while Molly finds a new animal in her algorithm. Plus Tom finds an imbalance in the May the Fourth.
Tom gets a bowl of something that sounds explicit and Molly finds the only song allowable on the internet. Then Tom finds the fasting growing food chain while Molly goes mall to the wall.
Tom finds the coffee that will survive climate change and Molly finds the craft contest of our time. Then Tom experienced a thing that he can’t quite nail down, while Molly could have found the final form of the Birkenstock.
Tom sees the youths coming to the country and Molly finds a new return to plant decor. Then Tom finds a new logo design trending striking through the industry, while Molly shines a light on a thing that’s long overdue.