Tom introduces Molly to the most wonderful season of the year, while Molly has found the replacement for the ottoman. Then Tom is seeing a thing very clearly, then Molly finds a shelf-adjacent spinoff thing.
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Tom introduces Molly to the most wonderful season of the year, while Molly has found the replacement for the ottoman. Then Tom is seeing a thing very clearly, then Molly finds a shelf-adjacent spinoff thing.
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Tom and Molly discuss which is more of a lighting things, sticks or strips. Then Tom is noticing the unfettered responsibility of streaming show length, and Molly sees a beverage thing bubbling back up to the surface.
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Tom discovers the new Polish music hotness, and Molly finds a Secret Santa service blowing up with thingness. Then Tom is basking in the BTS, and Molly found the most aggressive way to get a massage.
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Tom enlarges the thingness of a word, then Molly basks in the thingness of Dolly Parton’s nowness. Then Tom is seeing a new evolution of the music documentary, and Molly has the latest example of the metathing that is spicy food.
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Tom is reflecting on his pasta hoarding, while Molly gets called out for a performative thing. Then Tom has a perpetual pan of interest, while Molly is rushing the holiday season.
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Tom authenticating a thing is a mood, and Molly thinks weed gummies have reached the wine moms. Then Tom discovers that hipsters are sweeping the globe, and Molly has a new show powered by the thingness of chess.
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Tom is getting in the dark arts of book binding, and Molly has been studying the thingness of Steve Kornacki. Then Tom finds a thing in Amazon return boxes, and Molly is soaking in the sudden thingness of Hamilton re-watching.
Plus, we <3 you, Alex.
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Tom discovers that calm is now a marketing strategy, then Molly is seeing Halloween adapt to COVID times. Then Tom finds men who are comfortable being comfortable, and Molly sorts through the morass of Twitter memes.
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Tom has a classic find with a low key version of no, and Molly thinks a subsequent movie film is a thing. Then Tom is taking a deep look at breathing, then Molly is inflating her paddle board and going home.
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Molly and Tom find a thing among us, even if Tom might have missed it the first time around. Then Molly rages about a Taco Bell deletion, and Tom has a knife with a full spectrum of color.
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